It was a night of mix feelings where joy and celebration blends with a sense of heavy heart as Goshen multiply into Goshen II =D Goshen has came along way throughout these years and all of us have been so blessed to be part of the family. It is now time for us to open the door so that the blessings can be shared and overflow to others out there.
We had a thanksgiving night on Friday to celebrate Goshen's multiplication and it was a potbless gathering. As usual, we had lotsa lotsa food before worshipping the Lord and sharing testimonies. All that, wrapped up with a simple yet powerful message from Ps Lee Choo before we close with giving back all praises to God!!
*wonderful cupcakes so carefully made by Sheryl!! thank you!!*
*CL SaiKit and JinMay with Ps LeeChoo cutting the cake*
*one big happy family!! Once GOSHEN, always a GOSHEN!!*
Goshen is now officially multiplied and we are looking forward to more multiplication and God's direction for both Goshen I and Goshen II.