I guess my HK trip updates will be quite lengthy starting from here onwards!! Well, the day I left for Hong Kong, the crowd in LCCT was rather massive. My sister told me that she never seen such a crowd before in LCCT before. Prior to that, I told her that today won't be that much people wan la.. and... I was wrong..
*massive travellers waiting to board their flights at LCCT*
We took the 4.25 flight and touched down at Hong Kong International Airport about 8.40pm (had abit of delay though). Bought myself a sandwich in the flight.. haha.. Here are some random photos to start off my HK updates all the way from LCCT to HK!
*it was a beautiful weather that day and God was good!*
*this is HKIA arrival hall, the 2 girls also busy taking photo =p*
I understand what the picture below is trying to express but does it sound right to you at the first place?? I seriously don't know. My sister also not quite sure.. Maybe you can help me with this...
*seriously, my sister and i trying to figure out if this is right or wrong? any comments?*
*what i like HK most is their every efficient MTR!!*
*any guess on what i'll be feasting in this restaurant, some of you might already know*
That's all for now... Will review the yummilicious food in the next update!! haha... Till then, I'm super sick now!! need to rest and sleep already...