As usual, if any of our arrival is at night, my uncle and auntie will bring us to this steamboat restaurant and this time was no exception. LOL =D Hong Kong Da Bin Lou/Steamboat definitely cannot be compared to the ones we have in Malaysia though. LOL (you get my point)
Anyway, I'm not sure if the name of the restaurant is correct but there was definitely a huge crowd there eating dinner at about 10.00pm?? My goodness, the night life there is simply amazing!! =D They have this crazy offer of 50% discount after 9.00pm and that's why but it's still not cheap..
Here's some food that I've promised to share... (ignore the bad lightings tho)
*various mixture of sauce to go with the food!! mix however you want*
*roast duck is unbelievably yummy!! super sedap!!*
*this one, fantastic!! unless you don't eat lamb*
*more sedap punyer jellyfish!! one is not enough*
*this fish is very special coz the meat is crunchy wan.. i mean tender!!*
*abit lazy to post them one by one so here is what 4 of us ate*
*this is fun!! some are with wasabi, some don't have.. try your luck*
*the fresh prawns taste so sweeeeeett!!*
*dump everything into the "steaming boat" and wait*
*obviously we didnt get to finish the food and HK style da bao is very proper!*
Next up will be the day I've been waiting for... PASSION WORLD TOUR HONG KONG!! =D But before that, I'll bring you all to this very famous Australian Dairies Restaurant!!