The last time I celebrated a kid's birthday was last year September when I celebrated Joshua's 2nd birthday!! Last Saturday, it was Matthew who finally turns 1!! Proud daddy Jason and mommy MooiLi invited the cell members to join in the celebration and we were treated with lots of yummy food!! The roast pork and chicken was specially fantastic together with the super nice chilli.
Remembering MooiLi once bought him a mickey mouse toy thingy back from the States, I decided to buy Matthew a Mickey soft toy hoping that he would like it. To my surprise, Mooi Li told me that that was his favourite!! I was happy that I got him the right gift!! Apparently, the cake that afternoon was also a Mickey Mouse design. LOL
Here's some photos...

*lotsa yummilicious food!! the roast meats are at the other end*

*nice cake??? +D I thought it was really pretty*

*mommy helping matthew blow the candle while daddy looks on*

*goshen cell member family pix*
Can you remember your own first birthday??? Well, I still have a photo of my first birthday though. What a memory to keep especially with the digital era now. We can really snap all we want!!